The Miracle all Mothers Need

The Miracle all Mothers Need

Are you a mom and need a miracle? And no it’s not winning at an online casino. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound located in the hemp plant– but it doesn’t make you high. Rather, it supplies several surprising wellness advantages that can keep busy...
4 ways to deal with your Teenager (for parents)

4 ways to deal with your Teenager (for parents)

Throw away your baby sleepsuits, the little creature is now a teenager! Bringing up teenagers is no lesser than a rollercoaster ride according to Gary from And that’s because teenagers themselves are such a bundle of confusion,...
Community Gardens Can Help Kids Go Global

Community Gardens Can Help Kids Go Global

Community gardens provide important and valuable benefits for children. Working together with others for a greater good fosters a strong sense of responsibility and enlightenment vital to becoming a productive global citizen and future leader. Last month, my family...
Global Lessons of an American Holiday – Kwanzaa

Global Lessons of an American Holiday – Kwanzaa

Kwanzaa is a bonus winter holiday which provides yet another meaningful opportunity to learn about and celebrate culture with my global kids. This week, my boys learned that Kwanzaa is an American-born celebration of African-American culture, heritage and community,...
A Wonderful Way to Globalize Pretend Play!

A Wonderful Way to Globalize Pretend Play!

I was pondering the subject of world currencies recently, and came up with a creative way for my little boys to learn about coins and paper money used in other countries. A globalized version of playing STORE! In a nutshell, you print play money from around the world...
Monolingual Parent Raise Bilingual Children

Monolingual Parent Raise Bilingual Children

Is it possible for my children to become bilingual even though my level of fluency in other languages is pathetic, at best? Of course… but how? I have been on this journey to bestow the gift of a second language upon my children since they were born. My goal is to...
Birthdays Are Celebrated Around the World

Birthdays Are Celebrated Around the World

My first-born son turned 7 last week (on Thanksgiving Day), and we’ve had multiple celebrations to commemorate this special event. It began last weekend with a fantastic party at the local children’s museum, followed by a Turkey Day dinner / birthday-cake-gobble with...